Nothing gold, Ponyboy

It’s been awhile. I’ve been working. Sadly I have no pictures of me working. It’s not much to look at. But I have been thinking too. Why is it so hard to write a book? For me its because I want to put too much into it. That’s why I have to write in intense horrible clumps of time. Otherwise I’ll put a years worth of stuff inside one story , and it won’t be about the story, it will be about all the crazy junk that I’ve been thinking about for a year. It’s about focus. But focus hurts a little. Makes me doubt myself. Makes me wonder why I don’t get a real job. Makes me wonder what is real. And as always, what really matters?

My sister was obsessed with The Outsiders when I was growing up. So I used to make fun of the book out of sisterly love. But the phrase “Nothing gold can stay,” haunts me anyway. Just look at the picture of the movie cast and you know that’s true. How did SE Hinton know that at 17? I’m writing a book about outsiders right now. So far outside of themselves they can’t even get to their own stuff. But this week I’m going underwater with them. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Oh yeah. I’m full of myself to be sure, but look how well that turned out for Tom Cruise.

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