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Parents are raised by their children. I’m lucky to have kids who raise me gently and with lots of forgiveness, inappropriate humor and loud singing. It’s sort of like living in an alcohol free beer hall, where people speak English and Spanish instead of German.

But what I really wanted to write about is something my daughter taught me a few years ago on Valentine’s day. She was feeling a little lovelorn on this particular February. But she showed up at the kitchen table for breakfast with a ginormous smile on her face. She told me she had realized she could love who-ever-the-heck she wanted, as much as she wanted. There was no limit to what she could feel and what other people felt was their deal. Isn’t that a great way to look at a day that is often so loaded with cheap chocolate and regrettable emotions?

So here it goes J!

Hey world! I LOVE YOU!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Karissa

    And this is why Jessie and I are besties. That is beautiful!

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